Goran Klepac PhD new editorial board member in:
Goran Klepac, Ph.D., Assistant professor
University College professor
2005. University of Zagreb, Ph.D. in information science (Temporal data mining), Faculty of organization and informatics, Varaždin. Ph.D. these : "Rule recognition by using unique model of time series transformation"
2000. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics & Business Zagreb, M.Sc. in Business (IT Management). M.Sc. these : "Recognition of market rules from company perspective using artificial intelligence methods"
1997. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics & Business Zagreb, B.Sc. in Economics & computer science.
1991. High School “Nikola Tesla”, Zagreb, majoring in mathematics and informatics
Working experience
2008 - Raiffeisen Bank, Head of strategic development department, Credit Risk Management Division
2004 - 2008 Raiffeisen Consulting, Head of Business intelligence department . From 2005. member of RBA Basel II team, in charge for quantitative modelling.
2001-2004 Raiffeisen Bank- Head of market analysis , Marketing department.
1998-2001 PROFIT-PP, Data mining analyst , Project leader for data mining projects.
1996-1998 PROFIT-PP, Information system designer, programmer, data mining analyst.
1993-1996 Part-time work for different IT companies Information system designer, programmer, analyst.
Realised projects in area of data mining
Projects in domain of retail business, insurance, hostility, finance, car industry, telecommunication and was related to :
Segmentation models development
Credit scoring model development (generic, statistical)
Collections scoring models development (generic, statistical)
Scoring models development (BASEL II)
Risk assessment models
Respond rate models development (direct marketing)
Fuzzy expert systems for scoring purposes
Fuzzy expert systems for segmentation purposes
Early warning system development in retail, insurance, finance, telecommunication
Fuzzy expert system models for decision support in retail, insurance, finance, telecommunication
Prospective customer calculation models
Retrospective customer calculation models
Loyalty evaluation of the customers models
Churn detection models in retail, insurance, finance, telecommunication
Fraud detection models in insurance, finance, telecommunication
Market simulation models
Cross selling models
Time series predictive models
Classification data mining models for segmentation purposes in retail, insurance, finance, telecommunication
Leading Customer Relationship Management projects and model design for analytical CRM
Designing and development data mining models for decision support for marketing campaigns in retail, insurance, finance, telecommunication
Designing and development data mining models for decreasing costs in retail warehouses
Designing and development data mining solutions and algorithms for specific problem types
Knowledge elicitation for expert system design purposes in insurance, finance, telecommunication, retail
References as consultant:
As consultant of Raiffeisen Consulting :Auto Hrvatska d.d., T-Com, Dukat.
As external consultan of Comminus company- projects related to advanced analytics and data mining (Triglav insurance, Croatian Insurance Bureau (HUO), Kozmo).
As external consultant (T-Com, Grawe insurance) .
Published books / chapters in books :
Klepac, G., & Berg, K. L. (2019). Proposal of Analytical Model for Business Problems Solving in Big Data Environment. In I. Management Association (Ed.), Web Services: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 618-638). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-7501-6.ch034
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Klepac G. (2018) Cognitive Data Science Automatic Fraud Detection Solution, Based on Benford’S Law, Fuzzy Logic with Elements of Machine Learning. In: Sangaiah A., Thangavelu A., Meenakshi Sundaram V. (eds) Cognitive Computing for Big Data Systems Over IoT. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 14. Springer, Cham
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Klepac G., Kopal R., Mršić L. (2017) Social Network Metrics Integration into Fuzzy Expert System and Bayesian Network for Better Data Science Solution Performance. In: Banati H., Bhattacharyya S., Mani A., Köppen M. (eds) Hybrid Intelligence for Social Networks. Springer, Cham
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Klepac, Goran. "Finding Optimal Input Values for Desired Target Output by Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Within Probabilistic Models." Incorporating Nature-Inspired Paradigms in Computational Applications. IGI Global, 2018. 76-107. Web. 31 Mar. 2018. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-5020-4.ch003
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Klepac, Goran. "Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm as an Optimization Tool Within Developed Neural Networks." Critical Developments and Applications of Swarm Intelligence. IGI Global, 2018. 215-244. Web. 31 Mar. 2018. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-5134-8.ch009
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Goran Klepac author of foreword in:
Handbook of Research on Emergent Applications of Optimization Algorithms, editors: Pandian Vasant (Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia), Sirma Zeynep Alparslan-Gok (Suleyman Demirel University, Turkey) and Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber (Middle East Technical University, Turkey) IGI-Global
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Goran Klepac, Leo Mršić, Robert Kopal : A New Paradigm in Fraud Detection Modeling Using Predictive Models,Fuzzy Expert Systems, Social Network Analysis and Unstructured Data u Computational Intelligence Applications in Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics, editors: Vijayan Sugumaran, Arun Kumar Sangaiah, Arunkumar Thangavelu CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
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Intelligent Decision Support Systems for Sustainable Computing, Editors: Arun Kumar Sangaiah, Ajith Abraham, Patrick Siarry, Michael Sheng (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2017, Leo Mršić, Robert Kopal Goran Klepac : Analyzing Slavic Textual Sentiment Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
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Hybrid Soft Computing for Image Segmentation: Bhattacharyya, S., Dutta, P., De, S., Klepac, G. (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2016, Goran Klepac: REFII Model and Fuzzy Logic as a Tool for Image Classification Based on Image Example
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Dr.sc. Goran Klepac, author job the chapter: Schrodinger equation as an inspiration for client portfolio simulation hybrid system based on dynamic Bayesian networks and REFII model in : Quantum Inspired Computational Intelligence, Research and Applications, Elsevier (MKP)
Dr.sc. Goran Klepac, author and editor in : Bhattacharyya, S., Bhaumik, H., De, S., & Klepac, G. (2017). Intelligent Analysis of Multimedia Information (pp. 1-484). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-0498-6
Klepac, G. (2017). Customer Profiling in Complex Analytical Environments Using Swarm Intelligence Algorithms. In Nature-Inspired Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1391-1422). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-0788-8.ch053
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Klepac, G. (2017). Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm as a Tool for Profiling from Predictive Data Mining Models. In Nature-Inspired Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 864-892). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-0788-8.ch033
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Klepac, G., Mrsic, L., & Kopal, R. (2016). Efficient Risk Profiling Using Bayesian Networks and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. In Psychology and Mental Health: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1580-1612). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-0159-6.ch069
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Dr.sc. Goran Klepac foreword author in : Handbook of Research on Modern Optimization Algorithms and Applications in Engineering and Economics
Goran Klepac coauthorin : ANALIZA (SOCIJALNIH) MREŽA: praktična primjena
Klepac, G. (2016). Data Mining Models as a Tool for Churn Reduction and Custom Product Development in Telecommunication Industries. In Business Intelligence: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 430-457). Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-9562-7.ch023
Više o knjizi ...
Klepac, G., Mrsic, L., & Kopal, R. (2016). Efficient Risk Profiling Using Bayesian Networks and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. In D. Jakóbczak (Ed.), Analyzing Risk through Probabilistic Modeling in Operations Research (pp. 91-124). Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-9458-3.ch00
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Klepac, G. (2016). Discovering Behavioural Patterns within Customer Population by using Temporal Data Subsets. In S. Bhattacharyya, P. Banerjee, D. Majumdar, & P. Dutta (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Advanced Hybrid Intelligent Techniques and Applications (pp. 216-252). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-9474-3.ch008
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Klepac, G., Mršić L., Kopal R. (2016) REFII Model as a Base for Data Mining Techniques Hybridization with Purpose of Time Series Pattern Recognition, In Bhattacharyya, Siddhartha, Dutta, Paramartha, Chakraborty, Susanta (Eds.) :Hybrid Soft Computing Approaches, Springer.
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Klepac, G., & Velić, M. (2015). Natural Language Processing as Feature Extraction Method for Building Better Predictive Models. In J. Žižka, & F. Dařena (Eds.) Modern Computational Models of Semantic Discovery in Natural Language (pp. 141-166). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8690-8.ch006
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Klepac, G. (2015). Risk Evaluation in the Insurance Company Using REFII Model. In Transportation Systems and Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 748-768). Hershey, PA: Engineering Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8473-7.ch038
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Klepac, G. (2015). Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm as a Tool for Profiling from Predictive Data Mining Models. In S. Bhattacharyya, & P. Dutta (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Swarm Intelligence in Engineering (pp. 406-434). Hershey, PA: Engineering Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8291-7.ch013
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Klepac, G. (2015). Data Mining Models as a Tool for Churn Reduction and Custom Product Development in Telecommunication Industries. In Research Methods: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 559-585). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-7456-1.ch026
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Klepac, G., & Berg, K. L. (2015). Proposal of Analytical Model for Business Problems Solving in Big Data Environment. In J. Girard, D. Klein, & K. Berg (Eds.) Strategic Data-Based Wisdom in the Big Data Era (pp. 209-228). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8122-4.ch012
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Klepac, G., Kopal, R., & Mršić, L. (2015). Developing Churn Models Using Data Mining Techniques and Social Network Analysis (pp. 1-361). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-6288-9
IGI global
Goran Klepac, Ph.D., Robert Kopal, Ph.D Leo Mršić, Ph.D. Chapter: "Early warning system framework proposal, based on structured analytical techniques, SNA and fuzzy expert system for different industries" : "Artificial Intelligence Techniques and Algorithms", 2015. more ...
IGI global
Klepac, G. (2014). Data Mining Models as a Tool for Churn Reduction and Custom Product Development in Telecommunication Industries. In P. Vasant (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Novel Soft Computing Intelligent Algorithms: Theory and Practical Applications (pp. 511-537). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-4450-2.ch017
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IGI global
Klepac, G. (2013). Risk Evaluation in the Insurance Company Using REFII Model. In S. Dehuri, M. Patra, B. Misra, & A. Jagadev (Eds.) Intelligent Techniques in Recommendation Systems: Contextual Advancements and New Methods (pp. 84-104). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-2542-6.ch005
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IGI global
Goran Klepac : "SUSTAVI POTPORE ODLUČIVANJU", priručnik. Izdavač: Algebra d.o.o., 2011. ISBN 978-953-322-093-2 (Book title translation : Decision support systems )
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IGI global
Goran Klepac coautor : KOMPETITIVNA ANALIZA – poslovne i ekspertne kvantitativne analitičke tehnike (2011), Robert Kopal, Darija Korkut, Izdavači: Comminus, Effectus učilište. (Book title translation : Competitive analyse )
Klepac, G. (2010). Preparing for New Competition in the Retail Industry. In A. Syvajarvi, & J. Stenvall (Eds.) Data Mining in Public and Private Sectors: Organizational and Government Applications (pp. 245-266). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-60566-906-9.ch013
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IGI global
Klepac G. (2008). Integrating Seasonal Oscillations into Basel II Behavioural Scoring Models. In Ravi Kumar, Jain B (Eds.) CREDIT SCORING - CONCEPTS, PERSPECTIVES AND MODELS, The Icfai University Press, India, ISBN: 978-81-314-1577-1
Klepac, Goran ; Mršić, Leo: Poslovna inteligencija kroz poslovne slučajeve, Liderpress/TimPress, Zagreb, 2006, ISBN: 953-95472-1-0 (Book title translation : Business intelligence through business cases)
Klepac, Goran ; Panian, Željko: Poslovna inteligencija, Masmedia, Zagreb, 2003, ISBN: 953-157-447-2 (Book title translation : Business intelligence)
Klepac, Goran: Primjena inteligentnih računalnih metoda u menadžmentu, Sinergija, Zagreb, 2001, ISBN: 953-6895-01-3 (Book title translation : Using intelligent computational methods in management)
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Klepac Goran - associate ; Panian Željko - Ed. . : Englesko-hrvatski Informatički enciklopedijski rječnik (A-L), Europapressholding, Zagreb, 2005, izdanje uz Jutarnji list (Book title translation : English - Croatian informatics encyclopaedic dictionary A-L)
Klepac Goran - associate ; Panian Željko - Ed.. : Englesko-hrvatski Informatički enciklopedijski rječnik (M-Z), Europapressholding, Zagreb, 2005, izdanje uz Jutarnji list (Book title translation : English - Croatian informatics encyclopaedic dictionary M-Z)
Other scientific work
Članak u časopisu
Dr.sc. Goran Klepac, author je članka: Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm as a Tool for Profile Optimization, u međunarodnom znanstvenom časopisu: International Journal of Natural Computing Research (IJNCR)
Članak u časopisu
Dr.sc. Goran Klepac, author je članka: Customer Profiling in Complex Analytical Environments Using Swarm Intelligence Algorithms, u međunarodnom časopisu: International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research(IJSIR)
Kaluđer Igor , Goran Klepac : Credit Risk Early Warning System using Fuzzy Expert Systems, JIOS, FOI 2015.
Goran Klepac, Robert Kopal, Darija Korkut, Early warning systems based on business intelligence methods, Crisis Management, 4th International Scientific Symposium 25 and 26 May 2011, Velika Gorica, Croatia
Klepac, G. (2008.)„Portfolio Sensitivity Model for Analyzing Credit Risk Caused by Structural and Macroeconomic Changes“. Financial Theory and Practice, 32 (4), 463-479..
Klepac Goran: "Time series analysis using a unique model of transformation", Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences, Vol. 31., No. 2, 2007.
Klepac, G. (2007) “Integrating Seasonal Oscillations into Basel II Behavioral Scoring Models”.Financial Theory and Practice, 31 (3), 277-288. .
Klepac G., Kliček B., Mršić L. (2005, September): Temporal pattern discovery in consumer behavior with REFII model. Paper presented at the Consumer Personality and Research 2005 Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia (Abstract available online: http://abstracts.cpr2005.info
Goran Klepac (2002.): REFII model-Model for recognition patterns in time series, 20th International conference METHODOLOGY AND STATISTIC, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of social sciences, centre of methodology and informatics, Ljubljana, September 15.-18., 2002; Program and astracts, str 53.-55.
Member of team in scientific project financed by ministry of science. Projekt no. 067003, "Modeliranje i simulacija u poslovnoj ekonomiji" - Main researcher Vlatko Čerić (1996.-2000.) (http://bib.irb.hr/)
Member of team in scientific project financed by ministry of science . Projekt no. 0067016, "Metode i modeli potpore odlučivanju" - Main researcher Vlatko Čerić (2002.- 2006.) (http://bib.irb.hr/)
Member of team in scientific project financed by ministry of science . Adaptibilnost visokotehnoloških organizacija .
Main researcher Božidar Kliček (2007.- 2011 )
Public speaking and workshops
Goran Klepac "Tehnike pripreme podataka za napredne analize"- peta hrvatska konferencijia o kontrolingu, 2013, Sheraton Zagreb.
Robert Kopal, Goran Klepac : seminar "Upravljanje profitabilnošću portfelja primjenom naprednih analitičkih metoda - primjer profitabilnosti retaila -", u organizaciji Hrvatskog instituta za bankarstvo i osiguranje. 2012.
Goran Klepac, Robert Kopal : "Primjena napredne analitike u osiguranju", Hrvatski ured za osiguranje (HUO), jednodnevna radionica, Zagreb, 2012.
Goran Klepac, "Primjena sustava ranog upozorenja u kontrolingu", 4. konfrencija o kontrolingu, hotel Antunović, Zagreb, 2012.
Goran Klepac, " Sustav ranog upozoravanja i ekspertne kvantitativne analitičke tehnike", 5. Konferencija o korporativnoj sigurnosti, Westin, Zagreb, 2012.
Goran Klepac, "Upravljanje profitabilnošću u retailu", Konferencija: "Primjena Business intelligence procesa" u organizaciji Liderpressa i Comminusa, Westin, Zagreb, 2011.
Goran Klepac: "Primjena data mining metoda u bankarstvu" , 2011, Sarajevo.
Goran Klepac: "Primjena data mining metoda u bankarstvu " ,2011., Zagreb
Goran Klepac, Early warning systems based on business intelligence methods, Crisis Management, 4th International Scientific Symposium 25 and 26 May 2011, Velika Gorica, Croatia
Goran Klepac, "Utjecaj kvalitete podataka na realizaciju Business intelligence projekata", Konferencija: "Primjena Business intelligence procesa" u organizaciji Liderpressa i Comminusa, Westin, Zagreb, 2010.
Goran Klepac, "Developing Early Warning Models using Fuzzy expert systems", Wien, Retail Risk conference, Raiffeisen international, 2010.
Goran Klepac: "Inteligentno upravljanje portfeljem korisnika", Comminus i VPŠ Libertas, Zagreb, 03.09.2010.
Goran Klepac: " Inteligentno upravljanje portfeljem pomoću metoda data mininga", BI or not BI: Business survival kit seminar (Zagreb, 2009.), CRMT.
Goran Klepac: "Primjena data mining metoda u bankarstvu za analitičare" u organizaciji RBA, 2008.
Goran Klepac: "Primjena data mining metoda u bankarstvu za analitičare" u organizaciji RBA, 2008.
Goran Klepac: "Data mining u bankarstvu" - managerski pristup, Seminar u organizaciji RBA, 2008.
Goran Klepac: "Poslovna inteligencija u primjeni", ORACLE BIH, Oracle Technology Day, Sarajevo, lipanj 2008.
Goran Klepac: "Primjena data mining metoda u elektroničkom poslovanju", Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu-stručni studij informatike, studeni 2007.
Goran Klepac, Leo Mršić : "Upravljanje rizičnošću portfelja primjenom metoda poslovne inteligencije", HrOUG, Rovinj, 2007.
Leo Mršić, Goran Klepac : "Upravljanje prekidom ugovornih odnosa/kupnje u trgovini", HrOUG, Rovinj, 2007.
Goran Klepac: "Data mining u bankarstvu", Seminar u organizaciji RBA , 2007.
Goran Klepac: "Data mining u bankarstvu", Seminar u organizaciji RBA , 2007.
Goran Klepac, Leo Mršić : "Prevencija i sprečavanje prekida ugovornih odnosa/kupovine primjenom analitičkih CRM metoda" , CRM konferencija, Infoarena, Zagreb, j 2007.
Goran Klepac: "Otkrivanje znanja iz poslovnih podataka u bankarstvu", RBA ,2006.
10.HrOUG konferencija (www.hroug.hr), Umag 2005. "Provođenje scoringa pomoću fuzzy ekspertnih sustava".
"Od kvantitativne analize tržišta/ klijenata do kvalitativnog pristupa odnosima s klijentima", CRM konferencija, Infoarena, Zagreb,2005.
"Otkrivanje znanja iz poslovnih podataka", Seminar u organizaciji Raiffeisen consultinga , 2005.
"Otkrivanje znanja iz poslovnih podataka i competitive intelligence", Competitive intelligence konferencija, Infoarena , 2005.
"Otkrivanje znanja iz vremenskih serija", HrOUG - 9. konferencija, Umag , 2004.
"Data mining i tržišne analize ", Prime, Zagrebački velesajam 2004.
"Poslovna inteligencija", IDC BI Roadshow, Zagreb, 2004.
"Business intelligence- perspectives ", SAS forum Adriatic region ,Opatija,2004.
"Segmentacija tržišta na temelju analiza vremenskih serija", Business intelligence konferencija, 10-11 veljače 2003, HLD
Professional development
Project Management, Zagreb, 2010.
BASEL II retail workshop, Viena, 2008.
International management acceleration pool, Business simulation game, Viena, 2008.
BASEL II workshop, Viena , 2006.
Behavioural scoring academy (BASEL II ), Statlogics, Budapest, 2006.
Application scorecard developing (BASEL II ), Statlogics, Budapest, 2006.
Risk in financial institutions and BASEL II, Viena, 2005.
Cognos report net training, Viena, 2004.
Internet banking workshop, Slovakia, Tatrabanka, 2002.
Aris Training, RBA, 2002.
Lecturing activities
Faculty of organization and informatics, Varaždin, Ph.D. study "Methods of developing and research of business intelligence systems". (2009- )
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics & Business Zagreb, Master science degree study "Business intelligence" (2004 - 2009)
University College for Applied Computer Engineering, "Data mining" (2012 -)
University College for Applied Computer Engineering, "Decision support systems" (2009 -)
Polytechnic of Zagreb, "Business intelligence" (2010- )
Libertas Business school, "Business informatics" (2011-2012)
Visiting professor, The University College Effectus – College for Law and Finance
Other activities
Reviewer of scientific works
Area of scientific interest
Developing new data mining methods in area of market research and risk assessment
Using methods from chaos theory in data mining
Machine learning algorithms
Artificial intelligence
Big data analytical models
Text mining for developing predictive data mining models in business
Temporal data mining
Social network analysis
Swarm intelligence
Text mining
New solutions based on data mining techniques in area of fraud detection, churn detection, segmentation
e-mail: goran(({AT}))goranklepac.com